Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Letting Loose to Love...

I attended a retreat this past weekend and in one of the sessions the speaker made the comment "letting loose to love"... it was a passing comment but, it resonated loud and clear with me and has stuck deep. I have been pondering it ever since she spoke it and it is not fading. Over and over it plays in my head -what does it mean: "letting loose to love"? It implies that something has to go in order to truly love -that "letting loose" feels multi-faceted...

"Letting Loose"? A dying...a relinquishing...a surrender...a sacrifice...a release?

Maybe it's a setting free -allowing Father to break the bonds and strongholds in our lives that render us incapable of really giving and receiving love in it's richest form...

Maybe it's a combination of the two?
Something we have to participate with Father in so, that through our dying, relinquishing, surrendering, sacrificing and releasing -He is free to break the bonds and strongholds that render us incapable of giving and receiving love in its truest "God" form -the kind that turns folks on end and causes them to seek you out because they have to know what it is and experience it for themselves...

The Scripture tells us in John 13:
“So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”” (vs. 34-35 NLT)

Sufficed to say, we as believers are known by our love...it is the thing that draws the lost and dying world to the Father and I believe it is at the top of the enemies "destroy" list.

I see this evidenced in my own life...
The enemy knows that if I'm operating in the fullness of God's power and plan, living out my call and loving deeply then I am dangerous! You see he knows he can't touch my soul but if, he can steal my joy and block the flow of pure genuine love in and through my life then he can suppress my effectiveness and rob me of the abundance Father intends for my life -not to mention the Kingdom task I have been purposed to accomplish!

Because of this understanding, the Bible tells us in 1 Peter 5:8 to:

" Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour."

We must be on our guard, vigilant to the task of exposing his schemes and casting down his lies - all the while clothing ourselves in truth and surrounding ourselves with those who will encourage us in our pursuit of righteousness.

We must "let loose" of those things that hinder the Father's ability to pour His love into us and through us to others...

So the question is - What in you is keeping you from "Letting loose to love"?

Surrender it -Relinquish it - Release it!

Father is at the ready to break those bonds and set you free... "Loose to Love"

Deuteronomy 30:6 says:
“The LORD your God will change your heart and the hearts of all your descendants, so that you will love him with all your heart and soul and so you may live!

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