Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Church at Its Best and as It Should Be...

Our life was spontaneously interrupted today...but there's a back story!
My family and I have been walking through a very tough season -good but, stretching in the faith department. One in which we have learned to depend "souly" and "solely" on Father God for our complete provision - not knowing at times where, when or how His provision would come, yet being confident that it would.

 Well, today was no exception!

This divine intervention began a couple of days ago when I was prompted -by Holy Spirit - to ask for prayer concerning a few specific immediate needs we have. I asked and Father faithfully listened and went to work on our behalf (He is what His Word says He is and He does what it says He will do -every time!)
So, this morning my phone was a number I didn't recognize so, I called it back...when the lady on the other end answered she said "Kristi, we understand that you have a vehicle in need of fixing...that's what we do..." There was a little more to the conversation but, the bottom line gist of it was that she and her husband were on mission and fixing our car was part of it! In that instant, Spirit reminded me of a scripture passage in the book of Acts -chapter 2 verses 42-45( the part that talks about the early believers right after Pentecost and what they did) - it reads:

" All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles' teachings, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals, and to prayer. A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders. And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need."

I have marveled all afternoon at this modern day working out of this passage of scripture...being part of the body of Christ is the same today as it was for the early church. I smile with sheer giddiness at how Holy Spirit moves in the hearts and minds of his people to accomplish the work that He intends and to operate on behalf of those who earnestly seek him -

He delights in dazzling us. His provision and timing are always more than we could ever ask or imagine and He is quick to make it happen -He is still in the mountain moving business -we are testimony to it!

As a good friend of mine always says, "I saw God today, Did you?"

Be blessed as you come and as you go,,,your God is near and He's taking delight in your pursuit of Him!

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