Monday, August 29, 2011

Now That You Know...

As I was reading this morning, I came to verse I can honestly say I had never seen before or at least it had not registered with me in the way that it did this morning...
The context is the upper room -the night Jesus was betrayed - he has just taken off his robe and given the disciples an object lesson on servanthood by washing their feet... at the tail end He inserts this simple thought:

" Now that you know these things, God will bless you for doing them." ~ John 13:17

Jesus is very plainly laying it out for them...blessing comes in doing what we "KNOW" is true and right before the Lord...

How many times do we say, "I know I should, but....(fill in your blank here)"

The simple response to "I know I should..." is DO IT! If you know you should (and I am speaking most loudly to myself) then DO what you know you should!

The "doing"(being obedient) is what activates the "blessings" according to Jesus...and I believe it!

What was in that "blank"___________ -now- go DO IT and be blessed in your obedience!

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