Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Rise Up Warrior Princess!

Battling for the soul of my girl today... the enemy wants so badly to squelch the divine beauty and true heart understanding of who we are as daughters of the Most High (from very young -birth really)... Satan knows the kingdom dynamic of a Warrior Princess realizing and operating in the fullness of her God-given passions and abilities -if he can make her believe she is worthless, ugly...without meaning then he knows he has effectually shut down the conduit of God's power and influence that is supposed to flow through her.

Rise up daughters! Declare who you are to the enemy of your soul -operate in that knowledge -speak it and pray it over your daughters (both in the flesh and the spirit); be the gate keeper! Let the passion Father has birthed in you shine -be the hands and feet of Jesus! Be fearless to accomplish the task that only you've been given, DO NOT shrink back! We are vital to the kingdom and Father wants us to mobilize! The word says that you are "sought after" (Isaiah 62:12), loved and treasured -prized above rubies! If you chose to believe it you will be dangerous; radical even...the key that unlocks revolution, redemption and reconciliation in the hearts of men! Be of good courage and RISE!

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