Monday, November 7, 2011

Faithful into Captivity and Through it!

Daniel 1:

Father God gave the Israelites into the hands of the Babylonians- He sovereignly directed their captivity. It didn't catch him off guard or by surprise... it was by design! This captivity encompassed everyone -it wasn't selective - both faithful and unfaithful were bond and dragged away...

Think about it, for Daniel to take the bold stand he took in Verse 8 of Chapter 1, he had to have been grounded in an abiding faith and understood the very character of Father God toward him. That faith originated somewhere and I venture to say it was not birthed at the point of confrontation - emboldened maybe but, not birthed!

I believe his courageous action demonstrates a pure unwavering faith and confidence in Father God and HIS WAY...and the Word says that God granted him favor in that. One could surmise from that, that Father God was using captivity to test and prove Daniel's faith...

Judging by the extended favor and according to scripture, Daniel was passing the test and continued in that favor for the entirety of his life - although (and don't miss this) the Bible tells us in Verse 21 of Chapter 1 that he REMAINED there...he never left captivity and yet he maintained this faithful and favored status!

Father God led a faithful man into the dessert of captivity- surrounded him by his enemy - in fact he enslaved him to his enemy. He tested and grew his faith, and empowered him to make a bold stand. God granted him favor in the presence of that same enemy, increased his position, knowledge and spiritual understanding, as well as, his physical health. All the while, maintaining the captive status.

The question we are tempted to ask here is WHY?

Why would a loving God give his faithful ones into the hands of their enemies and allow them to be taken into captivity?

Why would he allow them to remain in that place?

I think the better question in this is...WHAT?


What was Father purposed in doing here?

What was the bigger picture goal?

In my view, the answer is fourfold:

1) He is a just and Holy God who can not let sin go unpunished and will not yield His glory to another!
Israel, as a whole, was prone to wander and needed some redirecting (captivity seemed to do the       trick every time) In that, sin has far-reaching consequences and effects even the faithful.

2) This was a perfect opportunity to strengthen, grow and prove the faithful's faith...while demonstrating his absolute sovereignty over the situation (He is Lord even in captivity - there is no other).

3) In the places of deepest hardship, pain and wounding, he delights in being " I AM" -showering his favor and displaying his splendor... getting his glory from righteous lives - bringing blessing and light even to the darkest moments.

4) The bottom line, if captivity is the drawing force for his glory, fame and renown to be ushered in then, captivity is the place he will lead -not only to prove the character of those being led and transform them into the image of Jesus Christ but, to raise his standard that he might draw all men unto himself!

If I'm remembering correctly, the ultimate outcome for Daniel was the enemy captor declaring the sovereignty of the captive's God!

Goal accomplished!

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