“If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple."
While walking this morning I had a divinely inspired thought about this verse...
When you read this verse, if you are like me, it makes no sense at first blush. Why in the world would the God of the universe command us to hate (even connect it as a hinge of discipleship) when we are created in his image and put on this planet to display his splendor and bring glory to him and he, at his very essence, is love and incapable of hate...confusing isn't it!
As I thought about it in light of things the Father is doing in my life I realized it's not a literal hate of these people that the Father is commanding but, the ability to step away from the traditions and patterns of behavior- ultimately the world system and its way of doing things that he is demanding...
Many times -if not always - the Father's calling and mandate on our lives, as believers, goes against that which the world surrounding us would encourage, support or even understand (including those closest to us) and we have to be willing in surrendered obedience to swim against the current. Our relationship to the Father supersedes earthly ones and He expects our full affection as we live according to the full counsel of His word in every aspect of our lives.
Whatever He is calling you to step out in - take courage and start swimming!
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