The scripture says, " I sought the Lord,and he answered me..."(34:4); "Fear Him and He delivers..."(34:7); "Taste and See that the Lord is good...[take refuge in Him and be blessed]"(34:8); " the Lord lack no good thing" (34:10)My responsibility followed by Father God's response to me doing what His word tells me to do...
"Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies. Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it" (34:13-14). "[He]...saves those who are crushed in spirit"(34:18). "The Lord redeems his servants; no one will be condemned who takes refuge in Him" (34:22).
Believer's Responsibility:
-Seek Him; pursue relationship -make time for getting to know Him on a deeper level than you know Him now.
-Look to Him; learn from His word how you should order your life.
-Fear him (reverence/respect) give Him the honor and glory He's due in every area of your life.
-Take refuge in him - come to him when your hurting or have a need.
-Be an active participant with Him; observe what he's doing and get in on it.
-Keep your tongue in check; speak only what is truth(the grapevine is definitely out on this one).
-Live righteously; pattern your behavior and the choices you make on the absolute standard of His Word. [NOTE: this is not perfection but, it is a life surrendered to Him; seeking to honor Him in every way.]
-Seek peace...pursue it (when others around you are "stirring the pot"; you be the one to diffuse the situation)
God's Response in Our Obedience:
-He answers our prayers.
-He delivers us from trouble and fear.
-He releases us from guilt and shame (no condemnation).
-He encamps around us(protection).
-He blesses; makes every provision (we lack no good thing)[NOTE: not necessarily everything we want but, definitely everything we need -BIG DIFFERENCE].
-He saves and redeems us (the bible say he is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life and the only WAY to relationship with Father God - John 14:6)[no other option]
He is faithful! By virtue of His character and very nature; he can be and do nothing less.
Our faithfulness is proved by our pursuit of Him and our obedience to follow His way. He delights in responding to us and His way is always perfect and perfectly timed!
Be encouraged, my friend! Your God is passionate for you so, be passionate for Him!